About Us

Our Purpose

Our purpose at Business Fitness is to provide Australian accounting firms with streamlined solutions and ‘know-how’ to help you get more done with less hassle, so you can run a faster, more productive and profitable firm. Though we have experienced many changes in operations since we launched in 2001, our mission has always been resolute:
“Helping firms rise to the top of their game by providing industry insights and end-to-end workflow tools that boost productivity and growth”.

Why are we different?

Through our extensive Good Bad Ugly industry research we understand one of your major challenges in boosting productivity and growth is fully utilising the technology and systems you have. To reach your full potential requires more than a collection of tools.
Business Fitness also provides expert advice on how to maximise the benefits of implementing our full range of solutions. We see our client service model and technical support service as being the best in the field – we are often told by our clients how much they value our service.
HowNow Portal
Reportance Software Box


Business Fitness was born to solve the lack of tools available for accounting firms and their clients to standardise and systemise their businesses.


Business Fitness developed the first true document management system for Australian accounting firms that offers the powerful combination of software, templates, implementation services and strategy development in a paperless environment.


The next step in a complete end-to-end document management system was for Business Fitness to develop a secure document sharing and electronic signing client portal.


Catering for all firms, Business Fitness built an online collaboration platform with a true document management system to run completely from the cloud – keeping your files central and mobile.


Business Fitness expands to simplify ledger and reporting software by allowing you to connect your client’s data and build reports with incredible speed and ease.


Celebrating over 15 years of providing templates, Business Fitness created Smart Suite Workpapers that are connected, customisable and collaborative workpapers designed to work the way you do.


‘Staying ahead of the curve’ is important to us at Business Fitness which means developing tools that utilise artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate repetitive mundane tasks and algorithms that identify new insights and potential additional revenue streams.
Smart Suite