
About Business Fitness

Business Fitness is a brand name referring to the group of Business Fitness companies.
Depending on your specific use of our products, you may contract with any of the following entities within that corporate group:
  • Business Fitness (Accountants) Pty Ltd ACN 098 580 708
  • Business Fitness (Corporate) Pty Ltd ACN 113 529 445
  • Active Software (Global) Pty Ltd ACN 660 113 477
  • Active Data (Services) Pty Ltd ACN 659 498 503
  • Reportance Pty Ltd ACN 166 810 626


The following are registered trademarks of Business Fitness Pty Ltd:
Unauthorised use of the trade marks of Business Fitness (whether listed above, and whether registered, or otherwise) is expressly prohibited.


The content of this website is copyright © Business Fitness (Software) Pty Ltd 2022.
Each edition of “The Good, the Bad & the Ugly” report is copyright © Business Fitness Pty Ltd.
No part of the materials hosted or contained on this website, including but not limited to the text, reports, articles, graphics and html code, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, without the written permission of the copyright holder.


While every effort has been made to offer current and accurate information on this website, errors can occur. The information contained on, or made available via, this website is provided “as-is”, with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or timeliness, and without warranties of any kind, express or implied.
We use a range of security measures to protect our IT infrastructure and data from unauthorised access and use. However, users should be aware that use of the World Wide Web carries with it inherent risks that we cannot completely mitigate. Business Fitness does not warrant that this website and any information or material downloaded from it will be uninterrupted, error-free, or free of viruses or other harmful components.
The information presented on this website should not be construed as legal advice, business consulting or practice development advice. You should consult with professional advisers before making any decision based on our website or products.
The material on this website may include the views or recommendations of third parties, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Business Fitness.